Learning to look without drawing inferences is a powerful observational tool that can gather rich visual data for the observer.
This quote will have a lasting impression on me especially because of how often i see media pictures in everyday life. If you simply go to the grocery store you can see all sorts of media pictures on the front of magazines and news articles. Many of folks usually do exactly what i have done for so many years, They will look at the picture, read the caption below, and suddenly believe everything that was read. From this day forward I think i will analyze the pictures i see taken from media. I really enjoyed reading this article because of all the little things that were pointed out such as the picture of Theodore Roosevelt's picture in the background. This drawing a comparison to President Bush and President Roosevelt's Foreign Policy. something so little and unnoticeable could be so powerful of a message intertwined with the picture.

Abilock, Debbie. "A Seven Power Lens On 21st Century Literacy." Multimedia Schools Nov. 2003. Web. 2 Oct. 2011. http://www.infotoday.com/mmschools.
I agree that it is easy to believe a lot of things presented in the media. Make sure that you use a capital "I" for the pronoun in your writing :)
ReplyDeleteAlso, make sure that you cite or provide a reference for your additional resource.
I think you liked this article as much as I did. It made me think of something my civics teacher always said, "Just because it is written, doesn't make it true" Great post man! #winning